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The Traditional World Body - Global pattern to Ancient Sites 


The New Perspective has revealed the template to ancient sites on a global pattern. This is indicating a greater international communication for our ancient civilisations than we are currently aware. All of the twelve signs of the zodiac represented a Celestial body and each connects to the twelve zones around the equator region of the Earth. The chosen signs represent the anatomical connection between the World body and the Celestial body and they have been recorded globally with great devotion to ensure the message is passed to future generations. Lets begin by dividing the World around the equator into twelve and start by looking at the connection between Leo and the Sphinx. The next zone is Virgo and beside the sphinx the next zone is where Israel captures the message and cements the zone of Virgo of the World anatomy. Mr Christ and the Virgin Mary pass on the recognition of this connection to the Holy Spirit, the World body. The following document divides the World into 12 and looks at the World structure including the unravelling of Stonehenge's mystery corresponding to the zone of Cancer.

Once grasping the messages of the past and realising the basic cosmological structures that are present in most cultures stories, religions, myths and legends this basic structure can then be reviewed with global information and mapping.








Biblical Interpretations


Genesis to Revelation describes the life -cycle of the planets. From the beginning to the end and back to the beginning. The New Perspective describes a scientific theory about how the life-cycle of the planets work. The similarity can be seen, although the end of the World described by revelations is dramatically described, but if the planets move towards the sun slowly then a final fiery cremation can be described scientifically but with order and logic. 

The New Perspective is also unravelling the biblical cosmology structure unravelling some of the confusion and realigning it with traditional global beliefs and then updates the principles and structures. It is perhaps misinterpreted or translated incorrectly but the Heavenly Father who art in Heaven is the parental figure from our surrounding cosmos as a partner to the Holy Spirit or Mother Earth. Each structure is only a part of a Universal God. Each of these bodies correlate to the corresponding order of Angles residing at the different levels or realms. 


"The 3rd century scroll of mystical Coptic Christianity, The Acts of Thomas, gives a graphic account of the Apostle Thomas' travels to India, and contains prayers invoking the Holy Spirit as "the Mother of all creation" and "compassionate mother," among other titles.  The most profound Coptic Christian writings definitely link the "spirit of Spirit" manifested by Christ to all believers as the "Spirit of the Divine Mother." Most significant are the new manuscript discoveries of recent decades which have demonstrated that more early Christians than previously thought regarded the Holy Spirit as the Mother of Jesus.

One text is the Gospel of Thomas which is part of the newly discovered Nag Hammadi texts (discovered 1945-1947).  Most are composed about the same time as the Biblical gospels in the 1st and 2nd century AD.  In this gospel, Jesus declares that his disciples must hate their earthly parents (as in Luke 14:26) but love the Father and Mother as he does, "for my mother (gave me falsehood), but (my) true Mother gave me life."  In another Nag Hammadi discovery, The Secret Book of James, Jesus refers to himself as "the son of the Holy Spirit."  



Anatomical Research: the Human Body and the World Body


Once establishing a connection to the body and discovering the inter connection between people, and the ability to find the source of stress, advances can be made. Releasing oneself or another form a stressful situation will allow the healing process to begin. This is particularly helpful for toddlers who express a stress. Further investigation will be made into birth marks connecting to the Mother and any stress applied to the Mother during pregnancy being passed on or absorbed by the baby. International birth peaks for regions around the World will be viewed and an investigation why one major country is not harmonising with the rest of the World. Are freckles constellations?

Investigation into Global pressure and stress applied to the World at a particular point resulting in effects on the human anatomy and populations locally and globally. Why is diabetics, where the pancreas is located at the zone of the UK, peaking high for people in the July, the related month?

Establishing medical research facilities at each point on the World anatomy, specialising on research for that anatomical region, maximising the energy benefits.


Celestial Body Configuration


Traditionally a connection was made between our Celestial surroundings and the World. The New Perspective having identified the World body has realigned the configuration of the Celestial body to reveal a physical structure to our surrounding Galaxy. Based on projecting the World form as a spiralling helical structure, from the Northern Polaris to the Southern Polaris. Discover how, from New Zealand you can view the image of Antarctica in the night sky, bringing to light the discovery of the Celestial tail.




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